SpiderForest Webcomic CollectiveGobo Gazette has been accepted into the SpiderForest Webcomic Collective! “What is that?”, you may ask? It is a group of very creative and awesome individuals that share a passion for webcomics. I followed a number of their works over the years and would always see when they’d make an announcement that they were accepting applications. I finally got the nerve to apply last year and, although I wasn’t accepted then, I was introduced to the SpiderForest Discord channel. It is one thing to see what an artist releases on their website. It is another to be able to converse, ask questions, and compare notes. If you are interested in webcomics, check out the selection there. And if you are creating webcomics, check them out. They are always willing to talk with similarly open and accepting creative minds.

If you happen to be a long time reader of one of the other webcomics showcased on SpiderForest, welcome to my little webcomic (please, mind the dust!). And if you have already been following Gobo Gazette, please do check them out at the link above. Or try clicking the top banner!

Being accepted has put a bit of a fire under my seat and I am hoping to put it in high gear. Perhaps get a few of those thing finished up that I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. Get that website facelift I have drafted up. Update the cast page. Add locations. Maybe adding another SF banner. I even did an image for Instagram to celebrate the event! (Don’t tell Dante, he’ll be wanting the keys to the car and some money!) But first I do need to get this buffer… um, buffed up.

Be careful out there.