Adventure Awaits! – Comics of the Week (November 22-28)

Be it the many Myriad Worlds or a single world of owls, these comics are chock full of zany adventures!

Sombulus – Astyr is a flippant magic scavenger who travels the Myriad Worlds with his friend Rana, a kind-hearted inventor with the curious ability to talk to machines. He’s on a quest to steal the magical essence from anything and everything he can! His only two problems: he’s very distracted by shiny objects, and a zealous paladin who thinks magic is the ultimate evil is trying to stop him. Sombulus is a humorous fantasy adventure in the spirit of Discworld and style of a shounen manga.

Realm of Owls
Realm of Owls – The perfect comedy snack for your busy day! Take a little break and enjoy a page or two of owl shenanigans! Now complete with revolution! Wait… Revolution?!? That sounds pretty serious! Come check it out! (^v^)
[Realm of Owls Webtoon Mirror]