“Surprise Attack” The night grows deep and our little gobo is fast asleep. At least that is what Bam would like you to think. Our mace-wielding friend is extra vigilant after the last time and has spotted the little spider’s approach. But lo, what is that “rus rus rus” from the brush? Could it be? The Revenge of the Giant Green Forest Spider! I guess it is back to the safety of the cave for Bam, post haste.

As we can see here, this is no giant arachnid out for vengeance. It is just gobo cook Pat with a little bit of a creative – and vindictive – prank. Quite imaginative and creative, that one. Yes, every single one of these gobos have a mischievous streak in them. Even the most kind-hearted of the bunch. It just takes a little bit more to push them into doing something that could get them in trouble. Or cause some trouble for the group. Now I can’t blame the little gobo for the surprise attack, especially after the home run hit he recieved from Bam earlier. And I am quite sure that your forgiveness will be easily given as well.

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