5.09 Oh Well…
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Tok: [The bridge is not ready!]
Pōk: [(There's a) lion-goat-dragon!!!]
Pōk: [(There's a) lion-goat-dragon!!!]
“Oh Well…” While Tok might throw caution to the wind, it doesn’t mean the industrious gobo thinks everyone else should. It has only been a day and they have barely begun construction of their bridge. Literally, there are support posts on one side of the gorge only and just a few ropes spanning it. And now, that unfinished and untested “structure” is going to see a flood of panicked foot traffic? This is definately a Chip Diller moment, but our gobo hammerer won’t sugar coat it like Chip does. All is not well. But the result is the same. Crisis not averted.
Well, what is there to say? Tok doesn’t have many options. Either follow the herd or be the last gobo standing against a wild lion. Or was it a goat? Or a snake? All three? Either way there is strength in numbers and, in the end and unlike the ROTC cadet, Tok is one to go with the flow… especially when it involves a touch of chaos. It is as the coach of the sports team I was never on said: you succeed as a team, you fail as a team. Is that even a thing? Oh well, it is now!
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